Search for Good
Want an easy way to raise money for PEPY every day? Check out Search for Good, which donates a penny to PEPY’s educational programs every time you process a search request through their home page. It sounds like a little, but your donations will add up over time. And it’s easy to get started! Just do the following:
1) Go to
2) In the second search bar, where it says “Who Do You GoodSearch For?”, search for and select the “The PEPY Ride.”
3) Below that, click on “Add GoodSearch to your your IE, Firefox, or Mac toolbar” or “Make GoodSearch your homepage.” If you choose the former, make sure to remove your previously installed toolbars (by right clicking on your tool bar area and unchecking them) and voila! Every time you search, you will be supporting PEPY!
Shop for Good
And if you want yet another way to raise easy money for PEPY, try out Shop for Good. Every time you make a purchase through popular online vendors (like, Dell, eBay, iTunes, and many more), up to 30% of your purchase can go to support PEPY’s work in Cambodia! Just make sure to follow these directions:
1) Go to
2) Enter “PEPY Ride” under “Who Do You GoodShop for?”
3) Begin your online shopping and follow the instructions provided. Just like that, you’re raising money for PEPY!