For our “Top 10” this month, the PEPY Tours team had planned on sharing ten highlights from our 2010 tours. This list would have included news about our school trips, study-abroad partnerships, and educator’s courses among other things…. but then we realized that it isn’t just what happens ON our trips but what happens AFTER our trips which makes PEPY unique. Our goal is to inspire people to change the way they give, travel, and live after they join us – so it is up to them to make the most significant changes in the world after they leave us. We love getting notes from people who have gone on to study new things because of their time with PEPY, who have been inspired to get behind causes they believe in, and who have taken action to make themselves happier by changing aspects of their lives. Many say that our favorite quote has inspired them too and that they continue to examine their own actions and lives based on this:
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and then go out and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Harold Whitman
Here are some quotes from people who have been part of PEPY in some way. We thank them for sharing their experiences.
“PEPY changed my world, allowing me to comprehend its beauty and inequities with such critical insight that I felt inspired, empowered and compelled to act and give more responsibly ever since. Plus, the very first thing I did after returning home from my PEPY trip, was to buy a bicycle!” – Daniela Kon, Documentary film maker and PEPY Trip Participant 2005, 2006, 2009
“Before my first trip to Cambodia with PEPY, I had a general sense of wanting to ‘make a difference’ in the world, but it was completely abstract. The PEPY programs provided me with an anchor, showing me what making a difference can really look like. Thanks largely to my experience with PEPY, I now work for an organization doing sustainable community development, and spend free time volunteering with underserved children and youth. Personally and professionally, PEPY has changed my life.” – Tom Wilson, PEPY Ride II Trip Participant 2006, PEPY Ride III Trip Leader 2007, Monthly Donor
“Since being involved with PEPY I give a lot more thought to the decisions I make on a day-to-day basis, and the implications they will have for both my own and others’ futures. “ – Aileen Cameron, PEPY Trip Participant 2008 & 2009, PEPY Intern 2010
“Because of my PEPY experience, when I moved back to the US, I decided not to get a car. I bike everywhere and use public transport! Nearly two years and counting!” – Shannon O’Kane, PEPY Staff 2007-2009
“Following my trip in Cambodia with PEPY, my interest in social change and Asian culture became fascinations. Despite sounding cliché, visiting Cambodia changed my life. A day does not pass without reflecting or sharing my experience with others. I plan to major in Asian Studies, learn Khmer, hope to return to Cambodia again soon!” – William Werblow, Northfield Mount Hermon student, Grade 12, PEPY Participant 2010
“One of the ways that PEPY changed my life was through the presence of a new perspective on my travel partner, and life long friend, Jonathon. Spending time with him in Chanleas Dai gave me a unique view into who he is. Having grown up with the dude, it was nothing short of incredible to witness him as humble, giving, and caring. The trip was amazing, and the perspectives won will forever be tucked away in my pocket – thank you PEPY!” – Dominic Giuliani, PEPY Trip Participant 2005, PEPY Board Member
“PEPY showed me how much of a difference a few committed people can make to thousands of lives. My experience there made me come alive to the possibility that I could also make a small difference. Now I try to do what I can to help people like my family, my friends, the community I live in, and the inspirational people I met in Cambodia.” – Rakesh Mehta, PEPY Ride V Trip Participant, Founder of a UK-based NGO established to support PEPY’s work in Cambodia
“The discoveries I have made about myself did not end in Cambodia, it went further beyond. From the volunteer work I did in Nepal to community work in my home city Dubai. It all goes back to PEPY.” – Heba Redha, PEPY Trip Participant 2009 with her school: Zayed University (Now she’s a graduate!)
“My trip with PEPY encouraged me to set a goal of living abroad for sometime to continue to gain new perspectives on how we live here on Earth. Also, since the trip, I more fully appreciate the work of non-profits and enjoy donating. But I try to learn as much as possible about the organizations I choose to donate to, since I had the pleasure of learning and volunteering with PEPY.” – Christian Kondratowicz, PEPY Trip 2007 with other Notre Dame students (Now graduated!)
“Because of PEPY I’ve learned that privilege carries social responsibility, that material wealth doesn’t confer happiness, and that for each of us the most important job in the world is simply the one we care about most.” – Eric Lewis, PEPY Intern 2009, PEPY Tours Staff 2010