When we’re hiring new staff, evaluating ourselves, and looking at intern applications the first thing we look to is our PEPY Powers. About two years ago our staff sat down with an HR expert and whittled down the core competencies/values we wanted in our team. We came up with these 5 :
1. Love of Learning
2. Passion for Change
3. Working Together
4. Initiative
5. Follow Through
Though we think we have a pretty impressive team of Cambodian staff in general, they are especially showing their Love of Learning these days! Out of the 18 Khmer staff working with us full time, 10 are currently studying outside of their working hours! That means they are working 40 plus hour work weeks and then studying as well—impressive! Most of these individuals are supported through PEPY Capacity Building Scholarships, which are available for any full-time staff who has been working with us for over three months. Staff who are interested in continuing their education can apply for scholarships and are awarded either partial or full support through PEPY. Not only does this help us develop the strengths of our staff, it also reinforces one of our core values: A Love of Learning.
What are they studying?
They don’t have PEPY Capacity Building scholarships, but many of our part-time staff are studying too!
We are so excited to be working with such a motivated team of people who share our belief in the importance of education. If you’d like to sponsor a capacity building scholarship for one of our staff, contact info@pepyride.org today!