“Let’s do it” was a special topic that Mr. Thul Rithy, the PEPY former SAS project Officer, presented to students in the PEPY Learning Center this month. Rithy left PEPY in 2010 to give himself time to start working towards reaching his own dreams.
He has gone on to do a wide variety of things, such as organizing the Khmer Talk events, starting Small World organization (a platform for young entrepreneurs to explore business ideas), and created his own enterprise. However, Rithy claims he will always remember PEPY. We were very happy when he agreed to share what he has learned in his life with other people, including PEPY scholars.
During his presentation, he wanted to encourage students to be the change they want to see in their own life. Students discussed the concept of regret, echoed in the famous quote from Mark Twain:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do than by the ones you did do”
Rithy is an avid cyclist, and many of his own life experiences were realized while he was out riding his bicycle. One of his most important life lessons he has learned is the importance to “ breathe in” and “breathe out”. He explains, that in order to survive, we must both breathe in, and breathe out. This method applies to many different situations. We cannot only learn from others if we do not share our thoughts, and we too cannot only share our thoughts without learning from others.
Students found the topic and the discussion very interesting. They really liked the meaning of “breathe in and breathe out”. They said that they would try their best to learn and share their life lessons with others.
Rithy ended the day encouraging students to embrace the adventure in life, understanding that new things can be scary, but you should always chase your dreams. As Mark Twain’s quote ends:
“Explore. Dream. Discover”