Many of PEPY’s staff members are from our target areas and have been through our programs. They understand the backgrounds and experiences of the students we […]
This year’s Cambodia to Ireland Exchange, made possible by the Irish National Teacher’s Organization (INTO), was an invaluable opportunity for participants from both countries to gain […]
Sochea Khoeut is a former PEPY Scholarship student from 2014 who is studying International Relations and working as a project coordinator at The Heritage Hub of […]
Last week, Writing Through, an organization that teaches conceptual writing in order to increase confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills, came to deliver a Taking Risks […]
PEPY’s Promotion 7 Scholarship students have been in Siem Reap City for almost two months, and now that they’ve settled in are happy to share about […]
With a PEPY Scholarship, students receive a wide range of capacity building classes and opportunities that ensure that they develop not only their hard and soft […]
At PEPY, we strongly believe that for our students to be prepared for their university classes and professional environments, financial support alone is not enough. PEPY […]
PEPY engages regularly with students’ families to make sure they are informed of our activities and purpose, and to evaluate perspectives on their children’s participation in […]
From June 11th-15th, PEPY welcomed students from TASIS (The American School in Switzerland) for an exchange program full of dancing, teaching, food tasting, photo taking, and […]
As part of PEPY’s mission to connect young Cambodians to the inspirations, skills, and opportunities to reach their potential, staff organize regular Skills Fairs and Sharing […]
Sokhom Nort, aged 19, is a PEPY Scholarship student studying Electrotechnics at the Regional Polytechnic Institute Techo Sen Siem Reap. “It’s what I have always wanted […]
This year’s Cambodia-Ireland Exchange was fruitful for PEPY’s ambassadors, who experienced life in Ireland and Europe for the first time, including a much different educational system, […]