PEPY’s Annual Study Tour under the Dream Management Project happened last 08 July where 108 students from Kralanh High School, most of whom are visiting Siem Reap for the first time, were shown the facilities and course offerings from the PEPY Learning Center, the University of South East Asia and Regional Polytechnic Institute Techno Sen Siem. The University of South East Asia (USEA) is well known for their Economic and Tourism courses, the Regional Polytechnic Institute Techno Sen Siem (RPITSS) is a vocational training school for students who want to be skilled electricians and IT specialists and of course the PEPY Learning where the students can study English and Information and Communications Technology. The students must meet their Dream Class 2017 attendance target of >80% in order to be eligible to join the Study Tour and to also reward the students’ sense of commitment and responsibility. We are happy that we had a lot of participants this year and they are a mix from Grades 10-12. The group leader was our Dream Management Officer Skut Savoeng, joined by 3 Teachers from Kralanh High School.
Their first stop was the PEPY Learning Center where they were met by Scholarship Project Officer Kev Channa and was given a tour of the office, classrooms and libraries and also a discussion about the PEPY Scholarship Program and the upcoming selection process. The visit to USEA followed next where they were warmly welcomed by USEA teachers and staff, they were also given a tour around the campus and were then led to the Presentation Room where the USEA staff presented and answered questions about the available courses, application process, school fees and possible careers after attending USEA. Lunch was at Angkor Wat where the students relaxed, explored the temples before proceeding to the last stop. The last stop was RPITSS where they were met by the School Director himself, shown the school facilities and were also presented with the available courses, application process, school fees, scholarship opportunities and careers.
6 mini buses took our students from Kralanh to and then around Siem Reap. We can feel the students’ excitement about this trip as they were singing the whole way to Siem Reap, around Siem Reap and back to Kralanh! Some had motion sickness the first few kilometres of the trip, but just took it in stride and still joined the fun. We hope that by joining PEPY’s Annual Study Tour, they were able to have a glimpse of the various possibilities that lie ahead of them and that this experience will inspire them to plan their future and believe that the best things in life are yet to come.
To all our donors, sponsors, supporters and friends – Thank you! Thank you for making it possible for PEPY to do the Study Tour with the students and teachers in Kralanh. We also would like to thank the wonderful staff and management of USEA and RPITSS for welcoming us and showing the students what they can look forward to in the future.